Saturday, September 8, 2012

THank You.... Did you miss me? ...

A thank you for my followers. My list grew in my absence. My job gave me three hours to pack and they sent me to another section in a different city. (a town were the word Howdy is used a lot) The wise one at my job fire a staff member when they were already three short of the five they needed. I was sent packing. I have none computer excess (for my blog that is), so I could not post. I haven't seen my BF in over two months, and he's on his way over now, so some fresh poems shall be posted soon.
Hopefully I will not be too out of breath to post. Oh hell, I hope I am too out of breath... hehehehe ..
Here's a little gif of the day to hold you.. When my BF gets here, I want to start off with this...

Damn, I missed his tongue...

To be continued...

By the way, I heisted this gif from, check her out...


  1. I did miss you! Welcome back. It's good to see you posting and heist away darlin. We'll want full details when the bf gets there and you can whip this on him (big smile)

  2. I'm having trouble following you since me and my BF use the same computer, it keeps trying to follow you as him. I shall figure it out :) Sounds awesome to see your guy after 2 months! I can't imagine 2 months without my man. He may be out of town for work for 2 weeks soon and I may just go crazy! I'm certainly interested in reading more...

  3. Working on some poems now... You have to sign your bf out, then sign in your blog. I'm sharing a computer too, and I have that same problem when I forget to sign in... Thank you for following me and commenting. I love comments... :)
